
For the past two years I’ve attempted domaining with very little success. The amount of time and money that I spent with no return on my investment was frustrating to say the least. It was by complete chance that I stumbled on a recommendation for ‘Domaining for Dollars’ on a forum. I figured I’d give this eBook a shot as a last ditch effort to turn my online hobby/business around.

First off, I’ve got to say that I’ve read many eBooks on the subject of domaining. Domaining for Dollars was the very first eBook that actually gave detailed descriptions of exactly what domains to invest in. I could see where I had made my mistakes, but at least now I had a great vantage point. This eBook also included a helpful appraisal guide and many resources for finding valuable domains that I now use all the time.

However, my absolute favorite part of this eBook was the strategies for selling domains. I was able to apply a few of these strategies within a week of reading the eBook and finally, for the first time in 2 years, I was turning a profit. I really can’t rave enough about Domaining for Dollars – I highly recommend it to anyone looking to start or grow a profitable domaining business!

– B. Wilkins


Thanks a lot for the valuable information in your book, I will recommend you to friends.

– M. Winter


I was really thrilled with all the information I could get from this book and guess what, it actually works! I was able to make my first dollars in a short time and I believe the greatest things are yet to come. I would highly recommend Domaining for Dollars to any person who has tried to enter this business and didn’t have much success and also to anyone who is interested to start making profits from domaining. It’s really worth it!

-C. Ross