Dropping.ca Enters the TBR Market
October 27, 2009
If you invest in .ca domains, then you know that one of the best ways of obtaining quality domains at reasonable prices is through the TBR (to be released). Every week on Wednesday at 2.00 p.m. CIRA releases domains that have expired and not been renewed by the end their 30 day suspension period. Among the dropping domains are usually many gems.
I am proud to announce that my company, in partnership with the renowned Hubbard Media of DropSystem fame, has entered the TBR market by launching Dropping.ca. What Dropping.ca does is simple – we catch dropping .ca domains – hence our name!
As expert domainers all know, your best bet when trying to obtain a TBR domain is to backorder it from as many places as possible – as you can’t know in advance who will obtain it. I encourage you to give Dropping.ca a try and backorder the TBR names you are interested in with us.
At Dropping.ca, we provide high-touch service, combined with a simple, easy to use interface. We are happy to help you every step of the way, and you can be assured that all your questions will be quickly answered. We also transfer your domains to you right after payment – we don’t hang on to them and collect your parking profits while you watch your expired domains lose their rankings in the search engines.
The costs are modest – there is a minimum charge of $60 Canadian (+GST) for a domain. Our services are no win, no fee – so you only pay for the domains we catch on your behalf. We require a $60 bond payment as security when you set up an account. However, if I know you, please feel free to contact me through my blog and I’ll be happy to set up a personalized coupon code for you to waive this bond. If more than one person backorders a domain, then it goes to auction. Given that we are the new kid on the block, you can rest assured that our auctions are not as competitive as the established players and there are lots of good deals to be had.
So, what are you waiting for? It’s easy to get started. Head on over to Dropping.ca and sign up.
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