ICANN Story Misreported
April 9, 2008 · Print This Article
Recently, I called attention to a news article in Gulf News that claimed Paul Twomey, president and CEO of ICANN, made some very negative statements about domaining.
I have since been contacted by Jason Keenan, who works at ICANN media relations. His statement is as follows:
“I have discussed this news report with Paul Twomey and he has asked me to clarity that the Gulf News article incorrectly suggests that he has concerns with domainers. As he said to me: “When asked to look ahead at what might happen on the Internet, I did say it was likely domainers would move increasingly into the ccTLD space. In no way did I say or suggest that domainers were a negative force in any way and certainly did not refer to them as “a downside.” The many domainers I have met and chatted with at meetings across the globe will know I would never say such a thing. As I noted in my closing remarks at the Dubai meeting, the marketplace has evolved and domainers are a part of the robust domain name market that exists today.”
I’m really glad to hear that and I hope that Gulf News publishes a correction to this story.