Domaining Search Engine
December 20, 2007
My recently published list of all the blogs in the domainersphere turned out to be very popular. One problem with it, however, is that it can be difficult to find the information you are looking for on a blog or across a spectrum of blogs. But if you turn to Google to find the information, you end up getting a lot of irrelevant results and ads.
Looking Back and Looking Forward
December 20, 2007
2007 is fast coming to an end. It’s a time for reflection – both of what has happened in the past and what may happen in the future.
Sahar has a couple of excellent posts about the early days of domaining. He starts out by discussing which domainer started out the earliest. He mentions Chris Hartnett who then proceeds to give one of the most interesting stories I have ever heard about the early days of the domain industry. Well worth a read.
About Us
December 20, 2007
I’ve finally gotten around to writing a proper “About Us” page for Domain Bits. If you’re curious about the author of the blog, you can check it out.
Also, please take a moment to introduce yourself. I’d really like to get to know the readers of my blog.
Domainersphere – List of Domaining Blogs
December 13, 2007
There has been a real explosion of blogs in the domainersphere over the last year. I don’t recall there being any blogs solely devoted to domaining a year ago, and now it seems that at least once a week I’m discovering a new domainer blog.
To keep up with all of this, I’ve decided to create a list of all the domaining blogs that I’m aware of that are regularly updated (there are some great blogs out there that unfortunately, seem pretty much abandoned). I’m going to keep this list current, so if you know of any domaining blogs that I’ve missed that are regularly updated, please drop a note in the comments.
.com versus .net
December 12, 2007
Ray has done an interesting post on whether a business on a limited budget should get a category killer .net domain name or a more modest .com. While he states that it’s in the individual business’ choice, he does lean heavily towards the .com.
Some of the factors Ray recommends considering are:
Geo Domain Sales
December 12, 2007
Further to my recent post on the results of Moniker’s recent Geo Auction, a couple nice geo domain sales were reported at DN Journal: – 25,000 Euro = 36,653 – 5,600
All things considered, some very good sales.
Become the Next Domain Multi-Millionaire – Learn the Domain Secrets of the Experts
December 10, 2007
For someone new to the world of domaining, getting started can seem daunting. There is so much to learn and so many different ways to do things. There is also a lot of contradictory advice out there. What’s a beginner to do? I think the best thing is to turn to the experts. For this article, I canvassed the very best in the field to recommend how a beginner should start.
New York BBB
December 8, 2007
John Colascione points out that the BBB of New York has apparently failed to renew their domain and it’s now a parked page. It looks to me like they are now using a subdomain of the main site – as their website. When I do a search in Google for “bbb new york” then still comes up second and even has the address listed as an additional link in the SERPs.’s last result for is December 5, 2006 and it looks like the site was still live then. Someone needs to learn about domain management and 301 redirecting sites.
Not Another DotMobi Post!
December 8, 2007
The week has been saturated with posts about the goings on in the dotmobi world. No need for me to repeat this, you can find good coverage all over the domainersphere at Sahar’s Blog, DN Journal, Andrew’s Blog, Domain Name News, and Elliot’s Blog.
The first piece of in depth analysis I’ve seen about all of these events comes from Michael, and is well worth reading closely. He believes that these events are somewhat of a turning point for .mobi. He believes that the top 100 or so .mobi domains will do well. As well, if the major phone companies and telecoms begin advertising .mobi extensions in the mass media, then the extension as a whole will do well. – Just Say No
December 8, 2007
After the buyout of all domains, the latest hype in the domain world is domains (domains with four letters dot net). Buy them up now at reg fee, it is said, and once they’re all bought up, there’s nowhere the values can go but up! They’re going fast – get in on the action today!
If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn you may be interested in. investments are simply going to flop. There is just no enduser demand for domains as weak as The term QXZY is too weak a term even as a dot com; in the .net it is going nowhere.
Race of the Domain Extensions – Which Increases in Value Fastest?
December 5, 2007
You can make money from a variety of strategies in domains – but what’s the domain extension that increases in value the fastest? I’ve tried to crunch some hard figures to answer this question.
The most comprehensive resource we have as to what the domain market is are the reports in the Domain Name Journal. For this study, I’ve used the year to date sales chart (well, the year is almost over) for 2007, as well as the 2006, 2005 and 2004 price charts to determine the market. I realize that a lot of sales do go unreported, but this is really the best information that is available. As well, the unreported information should not significantly affect results, as it would be consistent from year to year, and I’m focussing on changes between years.
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